Pentzia dentata - Eendepootkaroo
Pentzia dentata – Eendepootkaroo (Afr.); Duckfoot Karoo (Eng.);
100% pure and natural essential oil
A pure and natural, undiluted essential oil
Single origin and source
Pentzia dentata – Eendepootkaroo (Afr.); Duckfoot Karoo (Eng.);
100% pure and natural essential oil
A pure and natural, undiluted essential oil
Single origin and source
Harvest + distillation occurs March - July
Method of extraction: steam distillation (yield ~0.2%)
Plant part: leaves and flowering tops
Pentzia dentata occurs in both the Fynbos and Karoo biomes across the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape. This is a pioneer plant most commonly found on previously ploughed or overgrazed lands. It is currently harvested only in the wild. Pentzia dentata is distilled only in the Bo-Kouga and exclusively for Cape Fynbos Oils.
A sweetly aromatic shrub with grey foliage and pretty yellow flowers. Easily identified by its duck-footed leaves. The leaves of P. dentata were traditionally used to treat toothache, women ailments, chest problems, stroke and headache. As an oil Pentzia dentata has been has been used in soaps and shampoos and has been recognised by some for its concentration enhancing properties while others find it inducing sleep. We look forward to new interpretations of the therapeutic properties, uses and effects of this still rare and interesting essential oil.
Aromatic profile
Earthy, sweet scented
How to use
In an essential oils burner or diffuser. Try a few drops in the bath. In soaps and
How to use
In an essential oils burner or diffuser. Try a few drops in the bath. In soaps and